Hughes-Photo is a privately-owned non-commercial website with the sole purpose of exhibiting my photographic works through multiple worldwide galleries and a blog dedicated to my selected personal works together with satirical philosophical or humoristic comment.

There is an additional blog under the name of Latest News which posts third party art humour and various photographic works together again with my own satirical or philosophical comment.

This free-access site is ad-free and no subscription and no viewer details are required to visit, content is often adult oriented and viewer discretion is advised.

Hughes-Photo site uses only essential functional cookies for its own purposes and some third party cookies from major operators for statistical and performance survey requirements.

Any personal information submitted through the contact links is solely used for the purpose of communication and identification and shall not be used, transferred or sold for any other reasons.

With respect to copyright and the so-called artificial intelligence manipulations, please note that all photos and text published in the galleries and the blog are subject to copyright and intellectual property laws, commercial use and alteration by any means or media support including artificial intelligence is strictly prohibited unless specifically agreed upon on a case by case basis and in writing.

Personal or any published matter of any media may not be used or altered for commercial purposes and/or public viewing without the prior written consent of the legitimate copyright owner.

Application for such eventual permissions may be filed through the website email contact address stating full identity and mail address of applicant as well as the detailed purpose of the demand.

Any third part art and photography posted on the latest news blog may be subject to author’s or owners copyright and we shall remove, alter or give credit to the lawful owners should they require this in writing providing reasonable proof of such legal ownership.